MaaSiveTwin–MAnufacturing as a service And Supply chain predictIVE Twin for critical raw materials
The MaaSiveTwin project aims to address the complex challenges associated with the production and logistics of critical raw materials (CRM) for clean energy technologies, focusing on their modelling and implementation in Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS) frameworks. With the increasing demand for CRMs driven by emerging technologies like rechargeable batteries and wind turbines, there is a pressing need to optimise supply chains, anticipate demand-supply mismatches, and ensure sustainable and transparent practices. Leveraging advanced digital tools and predictive analytics, the project seeks to develop a real-time monitoring and prediction platform capable of identifying and mitigating supply chain disruptions caused by various factors, including geopolitical events and policy changes. By enabling MaaS for CRM processing and production, MaaSiveTwin aims to enhance supply chain efficiency, reduce downtime, and support the transition to a more sustainable and resilient economy in line with EU regulations and green initiatives.

Title:MaaSiveTwin–MAnufacturing as a service And Supply chain predictIVE Twin for critical raw materials
Category:European Projects
Program:Horizon Europe
Funding:European Commission
Contract No:101138334
Budget:€ 5.253.290,00
Starting Date:01/04/2024
End Date:31/03/2028
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