"CY-DiSkiJo - Interconnection of the Cypriot platform with European CSP"
The Digital Skills and Job Coalition builds on the success of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. A consortium of DIGITALEUROPE, European Schoolnet, and ALL DIGITAL (formerly Telecentre Europe) lead efforts to scale-up national coalitions across Europe, make pledges for digital jobs and bridging the digital skills gap.
Member States are invited to develop comprehensive national digital skills strategies by mid-2017 on the basis of targets set by end-2016. This includes:
-Establishing national digital skills coalitions connecting public authorities, business, education, training and labour market stakeholders.
-Developing concrete measures in the form of pledges to DSJC to bring digital skills and competences to all levels of education and training, supporting teachers and educators and promoting active involvement of business and other organisations.
ALL DIGITAL key coordination tasks in the DSJC is to scale up National Coalitions, and establish coalitions in countries where there are none.

The Digital Skills Alliance website is live. This informative website is a result of the DiSkiJo project funded by the Connecting Europe Facility. In addition to RTD Talos, the Ministry of Research, Innovation & Digital Policy, the Center for Productivity, AC Goldman Solutions & Services and Advanced Business Solutions (ABS) participate in the project.
Click here for the Digital Skills Alliance Website

Title:CY-DiSkiJo - Interconnection of the Cypriot platform with European CSP
Category:European Projects
Program:Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom
Funding:European Commission, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
Contract No:INEA/CEF/ICT/A2019/2065542
Scientific Field:Computer and Information sciences (Natural sciences)
Budget:€ 110.487,00
Starting Date:01/09/2020
End Date:31/08/2023