"Establishment of EBSI node(s) in Cyprus"
Cy-EBSI project is about the infrastructural development of the Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) for the Republic of Cyprus. One of its first actions is to install a fully functional EBSI node according to the requirements specified for version 1. The necessary provisions for the transition to version 2 will be put in place. In addition to the installation of the node, a series of processes will be carried out in the smooth operation of the node. This is very important to provide continuous operational capability in a secure environment. Security is a fundamental feature for which all standard industry practices will be adopted. A series of analytics should be implemented that are intended to be used as auxiliary tools to monitor key operational characteristics of the node, including security aspects.
The project focuses on the design and implementation of a pilot use case that exploits the capabilities of the EBSI hub. Specifically, the solution concerns the case where the Cypriot citizen could submit an application to ETEK, the Scientific and Technical Chamber of Cyprus, for the granting of a license to practice a profession, for which ETEK requires proof of the validity of the diploma that the citizen holds in his wallet. These elements will be turned into an architectural design, which is centered around the functionality of the EBSI node using the provided APIs. Development will be done in a way that allows for frequent releases and updates. The final platform based on EBSI will be properly audited by ETEK. In addition, a series of educational programs focused on the platform will be designed, developed and delivered.

Presentation of the Cy-EBSI project: Establishment of EBSI node(s) in Cyprus coordinated by our company RTD Talos. Cyprus is entering a new era. The digital citizen will now be able to be served and deal with his state, or another European state, faster, safer and more efficiently!

Title:Establishment of EBSI node(s) in Cyprus
Category:European Projects
Program:Connecting Europe Facility - Telecom
Funding:European Commission, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
Contract No:2020-CY-IA-0047
Scientific Field:Computer Sciences, information science and bioinformatics
Budget:€ 150.000,00
Starting Date:01/05/2021
End Date:30/04/2023